Contacta with us en Lanzarote

Are you looking for a trustworthy service that can take care of a large amount of laundry on an industrial level? Do you need a specific laundry service for your business activity?


Look no more, at El Dandy Laundry we offer all types of laundry services to companies, individuals and businesses. We take care of any garment or item, we have everything you need so we can offer you an exceptional garment cleaning service. Contact us in Lanzarote. We are waiting for you!

Where are we?

Do you have any questions or would you like more information about our business model? Don't hesitate. Contact us! We work in a personalized way with each client so we can answer any type of question about our services and estimates. We are pleased to assist you .


Industrial Laundry:

Calle Bilbao 52, Arrecife, Calle Bilbao 52, Arrecife, Lanzarote 35500 Las Palmas


Self-service Laundry:

Calle la Goleta s/n, Costa Teguise, Lanzarote 35508


Teléfono: 928827015




Industrial Laundry:

From 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM.

This schedule remains in effect every day of the year.


Self-service Laundry:

Winter (from September the 30th, to May 31st): From 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM

Summer (from June the 1st, to September the 30th): from 8:00 AM until 8:00 AM.


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